The Choice

In June I read two books by Dr. Edith Eva Eger and I believe that in some way they apply to each person although the details may be extremely different. The first is The Choice–Embrace the Possible. It is a memoir of parts of Dr. Eger’s life. She...
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Cancer–I Decide

This is a poem from the book Trilogy of Cancer–the Jolt, the Journey, the Joy. I put it together during my first bout of breast cancer; I filled it with songs written to familiar tunes; poetry; and things to do. Now I’m in my fourth bout with cancer...
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from “Mama and Me”

This is an excerpt from my very first book, “Mama and Me–Her Last Three Years and Beyond.” At this point Mama is living with me–I work full time–and we’re trying to go the doctor’s office: Another story has roots both in the winter and summer of ‘82. Debbie,...
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That Aging Thing

Here’s a tiny story that didn’t make it into the Daybook of My Personal Faith. I’ve changed the grandchild’s name—but the point remains the same: I decided quite early that I was not going to be coy about how old I was, because it fits into the ageism...
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Death Row

Clemency for Quin On September 19 in the book I published Daybook of My Personal Faith, the subject matter is the death penalty and the reasons I believe it should be abolished. Last night at 10:30pm I wrote a letter to Governor Greg Abbott of Texas asking him...
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A Prayer and a Memory

I was looking ahead in my published Daybook of My Personal Faith and in August I came to a poem I wrote titled “The Word and the Breath.” The minister referred to in that posting was Janice Sutton Lynn, and re-reading that poem and thinking of Janice again...
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Richard Deats, a Friend

Richard Deats–a Friend I lived in Rockland County, New York, in the town of Pomona and I think I met Richard in one or more of the many cooperatives that had been formed in that county. Then he introduced me to the Fellowship of Reconciliation, the oldest peace...
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Catching Up

    Here’s the poem for a couple of days ago and it’s a continuing feeling. Anybody else feel it??? I start out in the morning with a good sized list, I mean to check it off one by one, and I work pretty steady doing my best, but...
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Mandalas in the Daybook

This morning I colored the January mandala in Daybook of My Personal Faith and in a few days will catch up with February’s. It was titled “Step by Step” and really explained how I sometimes get from point “a” to point “b,” or how I get a discipline...
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Daybook of Personal Faith

daybook of personal faith

Daybook of my personal Faith is written for everyday of the year, with chants, songs, mandalas to color, poems, stories, prayers, and reflections.

Mama and Me

Mama and Me

Mama and Me---Our last three years together and beyond is a book about a relationship, built over 50 years and culminating in Mama’s death.

Graces To Sing

Graces To Sing

Graces To Sing to Tunes You Know is filled with familiar tunes with new words to celebrate times with family and friends, good food and thanks.

Trilogy of Cancer

Trilogy of Cancer

Ann's story of her cancer journey...filled with stories, poems, songs. You will laugh, cry....



This is a book that puts each of the 150 psalms in the psalter into a shadorma poetry form. Some of the longer psalms have several shadormas.

Women Songs | Peace Songs

Women Songs | Peace Songs

Woman Songs|Peace Songs is a collection of inspirational and powerful music still speaking to our times. Originally recorded in 1980.

Wisdom of Children

Wisdom of Children

Wisdom of Children is a collection of stories of the Grandchildren in Ann's life, their wisdom and her reflections for God.

Do You Love Me

Do You Love Me

Do You Love Me is a wonderful children's book. A conversation between a Grandmother and Grandson.

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